Friday, February 17, 2012

Mind over Matter

I took a bazillion month hiatus but I'm back. I know you missed me....right?

So I've lost my mind and I'm running a half marathon on March 10th. The insane part isn't running the 13 miles. Insanity comes into the mix when I'm running 13.something miles extremely unprepared. By this point in my training I should be accomplishing long runs at least 10 miles long. Go ahead and guess how long my longest long run was....go ahead..

6.something miles. Not.even.half.way.

THAT’S IT! I've lost my mind. However, I'm coming to believe this is a mind over matter type deal. Stay with me with my next couple of thoughts because it's going to be a windy road. I don't know how he feels about this but I'm going to go ahead and blog about it. My dad was diagnosed with cancer recently. He is currently wrapping up his first week of some heavy duty treatment. Mix of chemo and radiation therapy. (Insert sarcastic remark) Now if that isn't a good time I don't know what is.(End of Sarcasm) I was able to keep him company on Wednesday during his busy day of appointments. One of the most important things that we can be doing collectively to help his treatment is to keep a positive outlook during this process. I'm not going to lie...its tough.  I watched so many people going through the same thing Dad is going through.  Each person in that hospital is a warrior, an athlete in their own way.  They have more courage and forgive me, balls, than I will ever have.  Their inner endurance, stamina, strength is better than Bruce Jenner in the 80’s.  I have a million thoughts going through my mind and I'm having a hard time putting it into words.

Stay with me.

It's easy to give up when your negative about things. It's easy to say it’s never going to work, that I may never make it to the finish line. They say nothing good ever came easy. I don't know who "they" are but I'm going with it. "They" must be smart or nobody would quote "they". I just lost my train of thought. "Footloose" just came on my Pandora station and I started dancing. Sorry. So back to my training part of the story.  If my Dad can run his marathon of treatments (metaphorically speaking), then I know I can finish a measly 13.something miles.  It really is a mind over matter kind of thing.  There is no reason that I can’t. Except maybe tripping and breaking a bone somewhere along the way…

I’ve been reading a number of blogs that “runners” have written.  I’m more nervous about having to stop to use the bathroom than anything else.  I know that’s kind of TMI but I’m being honest here.  Last weekend I ran a 5K and came in 2nd place in my age group and 10th overall for Females.  Kind of awesome I know and I really hate to brag but I was pretty good that day.  I even set a PR of 27:50.  Yes it was a small race but I accomplished something! Not to mention it was a flipping 38 degrees at start time and the wind was blowing 25 mph.  Landon was even kind enough to run as well.  He set a PR also! Way to go Babe. 

I’m like 98% excited, 1% nervous, and 1% scared about this half-marathon on March 10th.  I more scared of letting myself down more than anything.  I promise to keep blogging about progress made towards the date.