I have a somehow managed to co-create an incredibly cute kid! When Jaxson was born I thought he was the most handsome baby boy in the world. That's what a mother is supposed to think; however, he has continuted to grow into his looks. Brad Pitt look out....I've got America's next heart throb on my hands. We do have some things to work on before he makes it on the cover of People's 50 Most Eliglible Bachelors though.
1. Chewing on your fingers and then wiping your spit on someone's nose isn't that becoming. I tolerate because I am his mother but I'm sure his girlfriend wont.
2. Boogers. We have to work on those. Jaxson ALWAYS has a booger.
3. Calling
everyone and
everything Mama. Again I love it but his girlfriend wont.
4. Pooping at the dinner table. This one is pretty darn predictable. For awhile we had concerns about Jaxson's bowel movements. He just wouldn't poop. Now he is unstoppable. As his Nene puts it, he has some "Texas size" poops.
5. Hiding Cheerios in his hands and saving them for later. I can't tell you the number of places I have found Cheerios lately. In my bed, in the bathtub, under his bed, in Salem's food bowl, in the dryer, in my shoe....the list just goes on....Old Cheerios are yucky. Please don't save them for a midnight snack.....
I've started planning the big 1st Birthday Party. Jaxson chose to have a baseball theme. You are probably asking yourself how does a 10month old child request a theme for his birthday party. It's easy. I held up a baseball bat and a farm animal he went for the bat! You can go ahead and add intellegent to his resume. I am needing some suggestions on wording for something. I don't want to sound tacky when I tell people that he doesn't need toys for presents. I feel like this is the best place for me to get this worry off of my chest. Jaxson UNLOADED at Christmas. He has more toys than FAO Schwartz. We are so lucky to have so many friends and family that want to give give give. I LOVE IT! I want to make a smart choice for Jaxson and request in lieu of toys please give money for us to put in his college fund. Please don't get me wrong. I know some of our family members have gifts that they would like to give that they have been planning for this year. Jaxson will enjoy everything he receives and we will always be grateful. Now HELP with the words. I feel like this is really the only birthday that I can get away with this. Soon he will look at everyone like they are crazy if they show up with an envelope with money versus the newest baseball glove or Nerf fun.