Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I was "Hip" once....

Even I am having a hard time making myself believe it, but yes, I once was "hip", "cool", even "stylish".  I think I've lost it.  I found wrinkles under my eyes!!!  This is probably worse than finding a gray hair in my book. According to Johnny Depp's character in Alice in Wonderland, I've lost my muchness.  I am desperately trying to find my muchness really quick.  According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, muchness means "the quality or state of being in great quantity, extent, or degree." What the Mad Hatter was talking about, in his odd and slightly delirious way, was that Alice had lost some of who she used to be. He was inferring that she had lost some of the true essence of herself as she'd grown older.  So how am I going to get my muchness back?? 

Step 1:  Paint my toes any color EXCEPT for pink or red.  I think this one will do just fine thank you. 

Step 2:  Go skydiving.  I haven’t told Landon this one yet but I think I’m going to make it happen.  Babe, if you’re reading this, I’m sorry I haven’t told you my plan a little earlier. 

Step 3:  Cut my hair off.  Again, this may come as a shock to my husband, SORRY!!!

Step 4:  Listen to Katy Perry a little more.  This girl is the true definition of muchness.  I’m going to go ahead and throw Little Wayne into the mix as well just to keep it fresh.

Step 5:  Start cooking a little more.  I stopped and I really don’t know why.  I used to live with my nose in a cookbook.  I need to start experimenting with spices again. 

I’m not sure exactly if these five steps are going to help me reclaim my muchess but I feel like I’m going to have fun doing it.  I want Jaxson to never feel like his mom is “old”.  I felt this way about my mom probably only 3 times in my 28 years but I was quick on my feet to do something to change those feelings.  Most of the time I just helped her to pick out another outfit before she walked out the door and it worked!!!    

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