Sunday, May 1, 2011

Just Keep Swimming

 I knew it no other way.  I have trusted my Mom and Dad from the beginning.  I may have DOUBTED them quite frequently, but I've always trusted them.  It's comforting to me as a mother to know that my child trusts me.  He is only a year old, and you may think he doesn't know trusting from not, but I think differently.  I have had to work really hard for the past year to earn his trust and I will have to work 10 times as hard to maintain this trust forever.  

Jaxson and I started a "Mommy and Me" swimming class this week.  I'm going to be blunt about this.  My kid is an excellent beginner swimmer.  He doesn't necessarily know the mechanics of swimming just yet but we are well on our way.  On our first day of class we basically were working on becoming familiar with being in water.  

Jaxson has always been very comfortable with his baths but has never been so adventurous as to put his face in the water yet.  That's what I'm hoping to get out of him with this first year of swimming.  We mainly spend most of our time floating on his tummy and trying to float on the back.  This is how I know I have his trust.  Swimming pools are intimidating when you’re submerged all the way to your shoulders in water.  

With only a couple of freak out moments, Jaxson has allowed me to guide him across the pool without question.  I have dunked him a half a dozen times with only a couple of "What the heck" looks shoot across his face!  Jaxson has learned to walk in the water along the steps of the pool.  He plays with dive rings on the steps.  He's a natural. 

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