Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm Weight Watching

NOTE:  This post is about me so if you were hoping it was about Jaxson, I give you permission to skip over until next post (although he did contribute to the reason of this post)

I joined Weight Watchers last week.  I figured if they helped Jennifer Hudson look that good, I may as well give it a shot!

This is Jennifer Hudson BEFORE and AFTER Weight Watchers. 

Some of you may tell me that "I don't need to lose weight, you look great after having a baby".  I agree with you, I do look great; however, I had my baby 10+ months ago.  It's time for these last 17 lbs to come off.  The reason for my post is for accountability reasons.  I don't want to fail.  I feel like if I tell everyone about my weight loss adventure, I can't let you down. I haven't weighed myself this week to determine if any weight has come off.  Stepping on the scale is scary.  I would almost rather come face to face with an alligator than step on a scale.  This is the reason that Landon and I don't own one.  I am going to buy one today on my lunch break because I can't measure my success without one. 

One thing that Weight Watchers tries to teach is portion control.  That is a big thing for me.  I live in Texas.  Everything is big in Texas!  I don't want to be though.  WW also says drink 8 glasses of water a day.  After 4 glasses you get a smiley face.  Its the simple things...I know. 

I have also started working out again.  I am trying to make it to either a workout class or go to the gym at least 3 times a week.  I managed to accomplish that last week and it was awesome!  I don't know if this will last forever. Last week I couldn't keep my eyes open past 9:00 pm.  I barely had enough energy to brush my teeth at night.  Maybe this is just motherhood and I should get used to it.  My mother's advice...."maybe you should increase your vitamins".  Oh Mom!!!

I will keep you updated, whether you care to know or not! Accountability my friends....

PS  Diet Coke is 0 points on the Weight Watchers system. At least that is a plus!

If anyone from the Weight Watchers Corpoation is reading this, I will be glad to be your next spokeswoman

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