Monday, September 19, 2011

2 Years Ago Today!

Two years ago today, I started the most amazing journey.  I began my journey walking out of a front door, down an aisle lined with flowers and tea lights, and to an alter surrounded by the best family and friends a woman could ask for.  Standing at the end of was my husband-to-be.

I feel like I've been married to Landon for a lifetime.  We go together like peanut butter and jelly.  It's funny how we compliment each other.  I'm terrible at math (like have to count on my fingers kind of terrible) and he can't spell worth a flip.  We both like our hamburgers the same way...mustard and pickles only. We both find getting in bed at 8 o'clock an eventful evening and that was even pre-Jaxson. 

It's remarkable to me how some people can consider marriage to be the end of your "good times" in life.  My life has improved 100% since being married.  I've thought about this post for a solid month and right now I have no words to describe my happiness.  Landon, thank you for being the perfect best friend and husband I could have ever dreamed of having.  I love you to the moon and back. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I was "Hip" once....

Even I am having a hard time making myself believe it, but yes, I once was "hip", "cool", even "stylish".  I think I've lost it.  I found wrinkles under my eyes!!!  This is probably worse than finding a gray hair in my book. According to Johnny Depp's character in Alice in Wonderland, I've lost my muchness.  I am desperately trying to find my muchness really quick.  According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, muchness means "the quality or state of being in great quantity, extent, or degree." What the Mad Hatter was talking about, in his odd and slightly delirious way, was that Alice had lost some of who she used to be. He was inferring that she had lost some of the true essence of herself as she'd grown older.  So how am I going to get my muchness back?? 

Step 1:  Paint my toes any color EXCEPT for pink or red.  I think this one will do just fine thank you. 

Step 2:  Go skydiving.  I haven’t told Landon this one yet but I think I’m going to make it happen.  Babe, if you’re reading this, I’m sorry I haven’t told you my plan a little earlier. 

Step 3:  Cut my hair off.  Again, this may come as a shock to my husband, SORRY!!!

Step 4:  Listen to Katy Perry a little more.  This girl is the true definition of muchness.  I’m going to go ahead and throw Little Wayne into the mix as well just to keep it fresh.

Step 5:  Start cooking a little more.  I stopped and I really don’t know why.  I used to live with my nose in a cookbook.  I need to start experimenting with spices again. 

I’m not sure exactly if these five steps are going to help me reclaim my muchess but I feel like I’m going to have fun doing it.  I want Jaxson to never feel like his mom is “old”.  I felt this way about my mom probably only 3 times in my 28 years but I was quick on my feet to do something to change those feelings.  Most of the time I just helped her to pick out another outfit before she walked out the door and it worked!!!    

Friday, June 17, 2011

Catchin' Up!

So things have been happening lately and I've failed to write about them.  I'm going to play a game of Catch Up with you.

We bought a boat!  For the longest time, my hubby has been talking about getting a boat.  He wanted something big enough that Jaxson and I could tag along and go for rides with him.  About a month ago he asked pretty please and I said yes.  How can you deny a man when he says "pretty please"! On a side note, I probably enjoy the boat just as much, if not more, than he does.  We've taken Jaxson on the boat 3 times.  Not a big fan of his life jacket but he wears it without a fuss.  He has found that early morning fishing excursions are the best for napping.  Landon and I took him fishing last Sunday morning.  We crawled out of bed at the wee hour of 4:30 to load the boat.  We woke Jaxson up right before we left.  Talk about confused!!  Not only was it still dark when we left the house, but I left him in his pajamas to ride out to Keith Lake.  In fact, I left him in his PJ's the whole time!!!  Once we arrived at our first fishing spot, I cracked open a Nutrigrain bar for Jaxson to eat for breakfast.  Nothing like breakfast on the water. 

Thirty minutes later the breakfast bar was gone and so was Jaxson.  He fell asleep and didn't wake up until we were about ready to get off the water.  My little man loves to be outside.  I've said it many times that he would sleep outside if I let him and this boat outing proved it!!  Turns out the life jacket makes a pretty good pillow.

Note: To anyone who is about to blast me because his life jacket isn’t zipped and fastened:
                                                                             1) the boat was stopped and anchored
                                                                             2) the boat was turned off
                                                                             3) this was a photo opportunity
                                                                            4) the rest of the ride it was fastened

Another new item we have added to the Wright house, specifically to Jaxson's room, is a toddler rail for his crib.  I'm sure I've written about this before but we are struggling with Jaxson to sleep in his own room.  I am an enabler.  I admit my mistakes.  I haven’t been firm with this sleeping in your own bed deal.  I gave up trying to get him to fall asleep on his own in his own room.  I then gave up trying to move him into his crib because he would wake up every time I laid him down in his bed.  I don’t let him cry it out.  It hurts me just as much as he thinks it is hurting him.  SO my solution was to basically make his crib into a big boy bed so that I could lie in HIS room with him until he fell asleep and then ever so softly crawl out and into my bed.  The only glitch in this perfect scenario is Jaxson’s exit strategy.  Instead of sliding out of the side of the bed when he wakes up, he tries to crawl HEAD FIRST over the toddler rail, resulting in what could be a head injury.  I’ve already been to the emergency room one time in the past 2 months for what we thought was a head injury and I’m not going back.  I guess we are going back to a full crib.  Plan failed!

I am patiently awaiting Jaxson to form words.  He's a busy little boy with a whole lot to say, he just doesn't know exactly how to pronounce it yet.  Mama and Dada are pretty much concrete in his dictionary and I think he either says Nana or Nene (one of his grandmothers and his caregiver) but nothing further.  My dog is about to have a nervous breakdown.  For the first couple of days after Jaxson's birth, I struggled with the relationship (or lack thereof) that the dog would have with him.  Boy I was so wrong about this.  Poor thing can't even retreat to her safe place (her kennel) without Jaxson bombarding her.  Jaxson is growing taller by the day.  He can reach things that I'm not ready for him to reach just yet.  I'm about to label the kitchen a danger zone.  All items have to be moved to the center of the kitchen table.  Little fingers can reach a plate of food in no time! 

I have a bagillion pictures that I need to upload and post one day.  If definitely would have helped with this whole catchin up idea I had. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

+1 for the Angels

Yesterday was a very scary day for my family.  My mom was in a car accident.  She is alright, pretty bruised and banged up though. 
I took a late lunch yesterday, around 2:30, and was on the phone with my insurance company.  I was trying to get some matters straightened out when my dad beeps in on call waiting.  I hate being left on hold when calling insurance companies so I clicked over told my dad that I would call him right back and when right back to the insurance people.  I called Dad about 3 minutes later and heard those horrible words, "Mom has been in an accident".  Instantly I panicked.  Not my mother, I need my mother.  She has to be alright, nothing ever stops my mom.  I ran into my office told my supervisor that I'd be leaving to go to the hospital.  I got a text message from my sister, Kaitlyn, who works at the hospital that the ambulance was taking Mom.  She said she was waiting in the ER for her to arrive and she didn't know what happened.  The drive to Beaumont seemed to take FOREVER.  Hello…. 20 minutes that seemed like 2 hours.  I called Dad again.  He said he spoke to Mom on the phone.  Praise Jesus at least she was conscious and talking.  I remembered a story I read, I think it was a Nicholas Sparks book, about a woman getting chopped in half by a car and she was still able to talk to her husband on the phone and tell him she loved him just by the adrenaline in her body keeping her alive.  I let my mind get the best of me sometimes. 
I arrived at the ER and my sister brought me to the slot my mom was stuck in.  Relief…SHE WAS OK!!!  Of course it's tough to see your mother strapped down on a board with a neck brace so big that she could only move her eyes to see me.  If you know my mother at all, she dresses very appropriately for her age and profession and yesterday was no exception.  She makes laying on a backboard look good.  She had on cute white capris, a flowery springy shirt and some cute tan wedges.  Who knew my mother wore wedges.  I respected the situation we were in and didn’t take any photos so this is a photo-less post.  Sorry! 
Beaumont PD came to visit my mom while we were waiting on the doctor to assess the damages.  She told her side of the story and it was pretty scary.  There was defiantly an angel riding in the car her.  By the grace of God, both she and the other driver walked away with minor injuries.  There was no blood, just tears.   Mom’s car is totaled but that can be easily replaced. +1 for the Angels, 0 for Satan!!!  We aren’t sure why the other driver ran the red light causing the wreck.  I’m not making any assumptions, just a plea to all the other drivers on the road.  Pay attention to your surroundings, do not text and drive, do not Facebook and drive, and stay off of your phone unless it’s an emergency. 
Mom was released from the hospital last night and was able to try to rest in the comfort of her own bed.  Everything is OK! 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Discipling Your Child

I've started reading and researching different methods of discipline.  Jaxson is one year old and knows exactly how to push my buttons.  He knows the word "NO" and that he shouldn't be doing something when I yell it but so far this "NO" word that he keeps hearing coming from my mouth doesn't result in any consequences. 

/ˈkɒn sɪˌkwɛns, -kwəns[kon-si-kwens, -kwuh ns]  
the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier

I had to look up the word consequence in the dictionary because I know it was a result of something happening but my suspicions are correct.  A consequence doesn't always have to be BAD.  In the disciplining world, however, it does. 

As a child and through my adolescent and early 20 something years, I swore that I would have a different approach at discipline than my parents did.  My philosophy was "let them figure out that bad choices come with bad consequences" on their own.  This philosophy has come to a complete HALT now that my child is alive. Today I briefly browsed the internet to find articles on discipline a one year old.  If other people have good ideas, I shouldn't have to reinvent the wheel on this.  My thoughts are rapidly changing after reading the first article.  Let me summarize......

"Ages 0 to 2
Babies and toddlers are naturally curious. So it's wise to eliminate temptations and no-nos — items such as TVs and video equipment, stereos, jewelry, and especially cleaning supplies and medications should be kept well out of reach."
PULHEASE!!! You are telling me that I need to pack my house up in a box and live with NOTHING.  I have successfully kept him away from medications and housecleaning supplies with cabinet locks and catches but the TV...really? 
 "When your crawling baby or roving toddler heads toward an unacceptable or dangerous play object, calmly say "No" and either remove your child from the area or distract him or her with an appropriate activity."
What am I supposed to do know...I've removed him from the area but I'm still needing what to do next.....hello???
"It's important to not spank, hit, or slap a child of any age. Babies and toddlers are especially unlikely to be able to make any connection between their behavior and physical punishment. They will only feel the pain of the hit."
I guess nobody showed this article to my Dad when I was younger.  Pain was his middle name....I'm pretty sure I knew the difference between pain from my behavior and physical punishment though.  And let me also add this….if they didn’t feel the pain from the hit, they won’t remember the CONSQUENCE from their action. 

This article was no help. 

On to Dr. Phil’s advice.
1. Commit Yourself: It's crucial that your child knows that you're going to do what you say you will. If you explain what a punishment will be, and then don't act on it, you will have less credibility the next time. Make a commitment to your child's discipline, and be consistent in your behavior toward them.

YES!!! I just told Landon yesterday that WE need to be consistent with me telling Jaxson “NO” on certain behaviors, i.e. squirting your sippy cup of water on the mat by the back door. 

2. Be Realistic in Your Expectations of Your Child.
Don't ask your child to do anything he/she cannot do. Make sure that what you are asking of your child is a behavior within his or her reach — if it's not, your child will get frustrated and be less likely to listen to you in the future.

Ok Dr. Phil I will remember this in about a year.

3. Define Your Child's Currency.

Find out what your child values — it could be a toy, a particular activity, or even a privilege like getting to stay awake to a particular hour. Dr Phil explains: "If you control the currency, you control the behavior that currency depends on." Once you understand what your child values, you can withdraw positive things (taking away the toy) or introduce negative things (making them take a time-out) as a form of discipline.

Still trying to figure this one out.  I know Jaxson values his baseball.  But if I take that away, he still has a bagillion more toys to pick from. 

4. Give Your Children Predictable Consequences.
It's important for your child to understand that the same result will come from the same behavior. Make your child feel like he/she has control over their life: If your child behaves in "Way A," they need to be sure that they will always get "Consequence B." If he/she can count on the rules staying the same, they're more likely to abide by
This sounds like a tag-along to pointer #1.

I’m a pushover when it comes to my child.  He has this look on his face that says..”Mommy I’m sorry and I promise to never do it again…until you’re not looking”.  I have one hope when it comes to disciplining my children (I’m making this plural because I’m assuming there will be more in the future).  I hope that I can stand firm with my rules and not give to way to cute little boys that try to make it all go away by hugging my legs. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Just Keep Swimming

 I knew it no other way.  I have trusted my Mom and Dad from the beginning.  I may have DOUBTED them quite frequently, but I've always trusted them.  It's comforting to me as a mother to know that my child trusts me.  He is only a year old, and you may think he doesn't know trusting from not, but I think differently.  I have had to work really hard for the past year to earn his trust and I will have to work 10 times as hard to maintain this trust forever.  

Jaxson and I started a "Mommy and Me" swimming class this week.  I'm going to be blunt about this.  My kid is an excellent beginner swimmer.  He doesn't necessarily know the mechanics of swimming just yet but we are well on our way.  On our first day of class we basically were working on becoming familiar with being in water.  

Jaxson has always been very comfortable with his baths but has never been so adventurous as to put his face in the water yet.  That's what I'm hoping to get out of him with this first year of swimming.  We mainly spend most of our time floating on his tummy and trying to float on the back.  This is how I know I have his trust.  Swimming pools are intimidating when you’re submerged all the way to your shoulders in water.  

With only a couple of freak out moments, Jaxson has allowed me to guide him across the pool without question.  I have dunked him a half a dozen times with only a couple of "What the heck" looks shoot across his face!  Jaxson has learned to walk in the water along the steps of the pool.  He plays with dive rings on the steps.  He's a natural. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's My Party and I'll Cry If I Want To

It was a SUCCESS! With the help of some very special people, Jaxson's 1st Birthday Party was a "grand slam".  We held the party at Port Neches Park.  The weather was gorgeous, perfect temperature and very low much humidity.  It was incredibly windy, resulting in the causalities of a couple of balloons, but it all turned out to be a perfect day. 

Jaxson is incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful family.  His Nene was able to make it to his party and share his special day with him.  Some of our family that lives out of town were also able to make it in for the big day. 

Landon was the Chef and made hamburgers and hotdogs.  We tried to create ballpark food for dining but it tasted so much better than actual ball park food.   The cake was perfect.  A girl I went to high school with was able to help out with the cake.  Her mom has a bakery in Baytown and created a perfect baseball jersey for his cake. 

He wasn't so fond of his cake.  It was delicious to me...

Jaxson received everything from mega blocks, to beach gear, to Thomas the Train, to a swimming pool, and last not but least, money to put into his college fund.  There can only one 1st Birthday Party and I have no regrets about this one.  He will never remember how special this day was for me and his dad.

Something spectacular did happen at the party.  HE STARTED WALKING!!! Not just 2 or three steps...I'm saying a full "strut across the park" kind of walk.  This was even more exciting because everyone was there to see it.  My kid is so stinkin smart and I'm one proud Momma. 

Oh Heavens!!! Again, thankyou to everyone who was able to come celebrate the day with us.  I cannot believe we have passed this huge milestone in our lives.  I hope we can all celebrate 100 more together.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Birthday

I once read this book called "Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas" by James Patterson.  It's a diary of letters that a mom writes to her unborn child about her pregnancy.  It's a tragic story and I won't really tell you much more about the storyline because I think everybody should read it.  I've thought about this book so much since Jaxson has been born a year ago.  I decided that I would write a letter to Jaxson on his first birthday so that he will know how much he was loved and will always be loved.  I will share it with you.....

Dear Jaxson
Today is your birthday!  I cannot believe that you are turning ONE!  This past year has been the scariest but most rewarding year of my life.  I remember the day that I went to the hospital to bring you into this world like it was yesterday.  I can remember jumping out of bed at 4:30 in the morning to take a shower and make sure all of the “loose ends” were tied before leaving.  I can remember waking your daddy up and telling him it was time to go.  I remember walking in the hospital doors thinking to myself “The next time I walk through these doors I will be carrying a piece of perfection”.  I was excited but scared to death of what was to come in the next few hours.

 I thought you would be born that Monday but you decided that Tuesday was going to be YOUR day.  Around 2 o’clock on Tuesday, April 13th the nurses thought it was time to get Dr. Victores for your appearance.  You, my baby, had other plans.  I pushed and pushed and you were SO close to showing your face, but all you would give us was a glimpse of the top of your head.  You were keeping us in suspense.  I had to get a C-section to get you to finally come out.  It all happened so quickly.  One minute I was rolling down the hallways of the hospital and the next I could see your Daddy’s face light up and you were pulled out.  

It was a moment that I will remember forever.  Your Daddy held you up to me so I could catch a glimpse of your precious face.  I will be honest, I didn’t recognize you.  I thought you would have looked more like me.  You were your daddy’s boy right from the beginning.   The nurse brought you to me after they gave you a bath in the nursery.  Everybody had already left for the night to give us some rest.  I was terrified.  I didn’t know what to do with you.  Your daddy and I had a couple of panic moments throughout the night and neither one of us slept.  I can remember that I was so happy to see the sunrise that next day. 
The first couple of nights I couldn’t sleep.  It wasn’t because of you having your days and nights mixed up.  It was because I had anxiety of the kind of mom that I would be for you.  Nobody tells you how to take care of a baby.  There is no science equation or written rule on how to feed you, when to bath you, where you should take your naps….Over the past year I have tried to raise you to be a strong little boy.  I want you to become independent but still run to me when you need help.  I hope that you will grow to know that there is an awesome being, more powerful than you can imagine that knew you even before I did.  God is wonderful and has a strange sense of humor.  I know this personally, mainly because he blessed me with you. 
Some people may call me biased but I think you are one smart cookie.  You have accomplished so much in your one year of life and I couldn’t be more proud.  You know how to flush the toilet, brush your teeth, you took off walking on the day of your 1st birthday party, MAMA and DADADADADA are a common vocabulary word, and you think Salem’s cage is your playground.
My mother tells me this and I will tell you the same thing, always and forever.  I love you more than all the stars in the sky and all the sand on the beach.  Happy 1st Birthday my baby!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Couple of thoughts from my week

Good news everyone....I finished my 5K in 32.02 minutes.  It was a splendid day.  I can't tell you how proud of myself I really was when I finished that day.  I've already signed up for my next race and I'm super excited about it.  More on that topic later. 

The big 1st Birthday party is on Saturday.  Besides actually making the food, I think everything is ready to go.  I cannot believe that I am about to have a one year old little person.  People always make the statement that time flies by so quickly and I am now understanding this to its full meaning.  My baby, my first born, the one that made me a mother, is about to turn ONE!!!  Landon and I have laid in bed and laughed so many times the past couple of weeks at the people we were at this time last year.  

Every morning we turn on the Disney Channel to catch a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Nothing brighens my day more than having to do the "Hot Dog" dance.  One morning last week there was a break in the show.  This poem was being read called "Mother's Song" and it brought me to tears.  Please imagine images of Dumbo's mother cuddling him and Bambi's mother hovering over him in the forest before she DIES as this poem is being read......

Mother's Song
a Traditional Lullaby

My heart is like a fountain true
That flows and flows with love to you.
As chirps the lark unto the tree
...So chirps my pretty babe to me.

There's not a rose where'er I seek,
As comely as my baby's cheek.
There's not a comb of honey-bee,
So full of sweets as babe to me.

There's not a star that shines on high,
Is brighter than my baby's eye.
There's not a boat upon the sea,
Can dance as baby does to me.

No silk was ever spun so fine
As is the hair of baby mine.
My baby smells more sweet to me
Than smells in spring the elder tree.

A little fish swims in the well,
So in my heart does baby dwell.
A little flower blows on the tree,
My baby is the flower to me.

The Queen has sceptre, crown and ball,
You are my sceptre, crown and all.

For all her robes of royal silk,
More fair your skin, as white as milk.

Ten thousand parks where deer do run,
Ten thousand roses in the sun,
Ten thousand pearls beneath the sea,
My babe more precious is to me.

TALK ABOUT TRAGIC!!!!!!  I was boo-hooing at the end of this little segment.  Thank you Disney Channel for, as always, a cheery morning in the Wright Household. 

On a lighter note, I want to spruce up my blog but need some SERIOUS pointers.  I've been mucho basic with my blog from the beginning and have now become a little envious of those that have the artistic gene that somehow I'm lacking.  HELP!!!

My little man and his mommy!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Count Your Blessings

It's Wednesday and I'm having a hard time making it through this week.  I think my problem is just being plum pooped.  I have been pushing myself to run my first 5k post baby.  Honestly I've only run 1 5k in my entire life but this one is still post baby.  The big day is on Saturday and I've done really well with my "training".  Jaxson's birthday party is next Saturday and I've been hoping for good weather.  My little man has absolutely no idea about his big day.  All he knows is that I have a 2 big boxes of Cracker Jacks sitting in my dining room that always results in a big "NO!" when he tries to get into the plastic wrapping. On days like today I'm reminding myself to count my blessings, one by one.  I have a happy and healthy little boy that loves me unconditionally.  Selfishly, I think parents need unconditional love.  I also have a cute little chihuaua that loves me unconditionally as well.  I can't leave her out of this.  Blessing #2:  My husband believes I'm beautiful, no matter my weight.  He has done a wonderful job supporting me on my Weight Watching adventure and 5K goal.  I do believe he would still love me if I hadn't volunteered on this quest.  I really really have about 100 more blessings to count but I just made myself feel better talking about Jaxson, Salem, and Landon.

This week I have been picking Jaxson up from daycare because Landon has been working on his first commercial landscaping job.  I have wanted to give him every opportunity to succeed with this job because it's kind of a big deal! I have thoroughly enjoyed watching Jaxson's face light up when he sees me come to his Nene's door.  It makes my heart smile.  After picking him up today I decided that we needed to make a pit stop at the park before going home.  Jaxson and I have gone to the park once before and L-O-V-E-D the swings.  So guess what we did today.......

It was a great day at the park.  
Hope you love my mad photography skills.  

My day is complete.  I'm in bed with my 2 boys and puppy and life couldn't get much better.
Remember to count your blessings!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Cry It Out

Dr. Richard Ferber is full of it!!!  His Ferberizing method is not only cruel for a child, but it's pure torture for a mom.  Last night I decided to try this "Cry It Out" method of putting a child to sleep on Jaxson.  I'm going to recap last night's events for you. 

8:00 pm-Arrived home from a fun-filled weekend with family in Livingston.  Jaxson was so tired he was almost crazy. 

8:30 pm-Took Jaxson upstairs for his bath.  I let him play in the tub to burn any ounce of energy I thought he might have bottle up. 

9:05 pm:  Landon gave Jaxson his bottle before bed.  Jaxson wants to play a little bit more while I take my bath.

9:27 pm:  I decided that I'm going to put Jaxson in his own bed to see if he will fall asleep on his own.

9:31 pm:  I felt my heart being ripped out of my chest as my child screams "MOMMMAAA" and crying uncontrollably. 

9:40 pm:  I'm in Jaxson's room crying with him. 

There was NO soothing him after that.  I took him back in my room to try to get him to fall asleep and he wouldn't take his eyes off of me.  Needless to say, Jaxson slept in between Mom and Dad last night. 

I don't think I'll be trying this again anytime soon.  I made the mistake of rocking/holding him as he goes to sleep at night ever since he was a tiny baby.  I have no problem rocking him to sleep until he's grown and gone to college.  He's my baby!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Round of Applause

I'm totally giving myself a round of applause today.  Remember my post about Weight Watchers??  I hate to brag but its working.  I weighed myself this morning on my handy dandy little scale and I have lost 3.9 pounds.  That really doesn't sound like a tremendous amount of weight but it's losing, not gaining!  I feel awesome.  I can see stomach muscles appearing, my BINGO arms are diminishing, I can see calf muscles becoming a little more defined.  I  actually ran a little over a mile yesterday in under 13 minutes without stopping.  I have enjoyed waking up the past 2 weeks a little earlier than normal to go get a kick butt workout.  Some afternoons I go for a jog instead of going to the gym because the weather has been GORGEOUS!  At the beginning of the year I swore that I wouldn't be wearing a bathing suit this year.  I think I might be changing my mind....I'll keep you updated.

Thank you for listening!!!   

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Look Mom..No Hands!

It's happening! Jaxson is standing on his own with nothing there to catch him when he falls (except for his hands of course).  This is a little too scary for me.  I am emotionally confused.  87% of me is extremely excited and proud of the milestones that my son has accomplished in the past 3 months.  The other 13% wants to turn back the clock 6 months.  He is growing up and nothing is holding him back. 

Sometimes I panic when I think about Jaxson starting Kindergarten.  We still have a LONG way to go before this happens but that's how much I worry about him growing up.  I'm not normal.  I almost feel sorry for Jaxson having a mother like myself.  The other day I called my mom to tell her about a little boy I saw walking to school.  He couldn't have been any older than 8 years old, red hair, and a big cut on the side of his lip.  This is what I was picturing about the little guy: 

His mother had to leave for work very early and he was forced to walk to school or ride the bus.  Some of the older kids on the bus made fun of him and beat him up on the bus so he chose to walk to school from then on. 

My visions had me in tears!!!!!  Again, I am not normal.  I told my mother that I would NEVER allow Jaxson to walk to school.  She proceeded to tell me that I was going to shelter Jaxson and she already felt pity on him, not because he wouldn't be able to walk to school but because his mother is a nut. 

All of these thoughts have stemmed from Jaxson standing on his own.  Funny how my mind wonders......

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm Weight Watching

NOTE:  This post is about me so if you were hoping it was about Jaxson, I give you permission to skip over until next post (although he did contribute to the reason of this post)

I joined Weight Watchers last week.  I figured if they helped Jennifer Hudson look that good, I may as well give it a shot!

This is Jennifer Hudson BEFORE and AFTER Weight Watchers. 

Some of you may tell me that "I don't need to lose weight, you look great after having a baby".  I agree with you, I do look great; however, I had my baby 10+ months ago.  It's time for these last 17 lbs to come off.  The reason for my post is for accountability reasons.  I don't want to fail.  I feel like if I tell everyone about my weight loss adventure, I can't let you down. I haven't weighed myself this week to determine if any weight has come off.  Stepping on the scale is scary.  I would almost rather come face to face with an alligator than step on a scale.  This is the reason that Landon and I don't own one.  I am going to buy one today on my lunch break because I can't measure my success without one. 

One thing that Weight Watchers tries to teach is portion control.  That is a big thing for me.  I live in Texas.  Everything is big in Texas!  I don't want to be though.  WW also says drink 8 glasses of water a day.  After 4 glasses you get a smiley face.  Its the simple things...I know. 

I have also started working out again.  I am trying to make it to either a workout class or go to the gym at least 3 times a week.  I managed to accomplish that last week and it was awesome!  I don't know if this will last forever. Last week I couldn't keep my eyes open past 9:00 pm.  I barely had enough energy to brush my teeth at night.  Maybe this is just motherhood and I should get used to it.  My mother's advice...."maybe you should increase your vitamins".  Oh Mom!!!

I will keep you updated, whether you care to know or not! Accountability my friends....

PS  Diet Coke is 0 points on the Weight Watchers system. At least that is a plus!

If anyone from the Weight Watchers Corpoation is reading this, I will be glad to be your next spokeswoman

Monday, February 21, 2011

It's almost hard to believe!

We had an interesting weekend with Jaxson.  He has 2 teeth coming in at once.  This makes for one unhappy baby.  Landon and I went to the movies on Saturday night.  Rare occurrence and definitely spur of the moment so we dropped Jaxson off at Landon's dad's house.  "Pop", as we so kindly refer to Landon's dad, said Jaxson didn't want to crawl around and play and he just wanted to be held.  I brushed it off as it being an unfamiliar place that we were leaving him.  Sunday at church, we peaked our head in to check on Jaxson in the nursery.  I guess playing wasn't in the books for him that day either and he was in the arms of one of the ladies that helps every Sunday.  Last night (Sunday) was a PRODUCTION!!!  Jaxson refused to eat his food unless being held.  Even then, it was tough.  Landon and I were eating fajitas so I chopped up some fajita meat and a tortilla with cheese and let Jaxson have that.  I knew the day would come when we no longer could depend on the convenience of food in a jar for Jaxson and I'm afraid that day is today.  Maybe our food just tastes better...who knows??!?!?  So like any mother would do I went straight to the message boards to ask other working mothers what they pack for their children for lunch when they go to daycare.  One mother was so kind to quickly respond exaclty what she does for her 9 month we go:  

Breakfast:  Cut up fried egg, sauteed spinach, carrots and asparagus tips (sauteed until soft), bananas, and a small amount of cheerios.  Everything was sprinkled with wheat germ.

Lunch:  Baked salmon, butternut squash, cut up cherry tomatoes, mango, a few yogurt melts.  Everything sprinkled with wheat germ.

Snack:  Plain whole milk yogurt mixed with wheat germ and chunks of kiwi, cheerios.

For each meal, try to do a protein, vegetable, fruit, and whole grain.  Try to make everything colorful, which means a variety of vitamins - orange carrots with green spinach, red tomatoes with orange squash, green kiwi, yellow banana, etc. 

I think I need to hire a private chef for Jaxson.  I was just thinking maybe a ham and cheese foldover?!?!?!